Signup for Our Monthly Local SEO Service

 Sign Up for Our Monthly SEO Services ($750/mo) Here

Here’s our Terms with you if you sign up; by clicking “Subscribe” you agree to them (terms are as of 12/9/24; print a copy of this page for a record of it):

  • Non-Disclosure

We won’t disclose your company’s information, unless asked to by a court of law, or if that information becomes publicly known somehow.

  • Your Intellectual Property is Yours, Ours is Ours

We can’t suggest website changes to you and then come back later and claim “hey, that’s our website”
(i.e. we assign “moral rights” in the deliverables to you, but no rights in any of our processes or templates).

  • Various other Legal Things
    Any disputes (we’ve never had any BTW) will be handled under Massachusetts law, both parties disclaim any liability for each other’s actions, and we make no warranties with respect to deliverables or services.
  • Cancel Whenever You Want

There’s no commitment on your part; you’ll be billed $500 every month – and we feel we have the responsibility earn your trust every month – by showing both evidence of industry and results. 

Hit “Subscribe” &
We will start helping you
on your path to growth
for your website visibility now:

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